Master Your Mind, Master Your Life Challenge – Day 3
Your habits are your automatic way of being. The things you and I do without thinking. I have come to understand that leaders are defined by their character. Learning to lead yourself is to develop creative ideas and independent thought. However, it is constancy on habits and actions that will ultimately determine how people chose to treat you.
Now it’s time to find out what you can do to increase your Habit Mastery. Use what you learned in the video to assess your level of Mastery and calculate your score.
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how would you score your Habit Mastery?
Now it’s time to find out what you can do to increase your Habit Mastery.
Use your scores to determine your next steps.
If your scored is between:
1-3: Habit Mastery Tip – Select 2 of the habit from the Heart of a Champion Habit Mastery list, Practice the two habits over the next 30 days. Keep a journal to monitor how the new habits are impacting your life.
4-6: Habit Mastery Tip – Make a list of the habits that are no longer serving you, replace each habit with a new behavior. Use the Heart of a Champion Habit Mastery list as a reference as you select your new behaviors. Keep a journal to monitor how the new habits are impacting your life.
7-10: Habit Mastery Tip – Make a list of the habits that are no longer serving you, replace each habit with a new behavior. Now review the Heart of a Champion Habit Mastery list, which habit might you need to add to your list. Keep a journal to monitor how the new habits are impacting your life.
Years of research has taught us that the environment is stronger than willpower. When it comes to changing habits, being around the right influences can make the difference between establishing new habits and gradually being consumed by life and the pull of old habits.
The Fit, Fab and Fulfilled Mastermind is a supportive community, where men and women hold one another accountable for change while providing opportunities for brainstorming and supportive solutions. Remember, we are each known for what we habitually do. Our habits shape how we show up in the world, the life we design and the results we create.
Get ready for Communication Mastery. Communication is a vital success skill, it’s time to determine the impact you have when interacting with other.