Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

Carl Jung

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, have you ever felt like you were navigating life in the dark, unsure of your direction?

Or you avoid creating a vision because it seems like an impossible task.

But here’s the truth: it’s time to create a vision worthy of your life, a powerful vision that will inspire you to step into 2025 with intention, clarity, and purpose.

What is Vision?

Your vision is your why. A compass that points you toward your desired future grounded in your strengths, values, and purpose. A vision reflects what you want to be, do, and have in your life. A compelling vision pulls you forward, serving as the guidepost for everything you seek to achieve.

In December 2004, I sat down with my eyes closed and wrote my first vision. In my mind’s eye, I saw a house nestled in the hills, overlooking the ocean. That simple vision sparked something in me, pushing me into action and inspiring everyone around me. Soon, each team member sat quietly, writing their vision. I can still remember the excitement in the room as we shared what we saw. Putting pen to paper elevated our energy and encouraged us to step beyond our comfort zones, face our fears, and take bold action.

Twenty years later, that vision continues to expand and inspire me. It’s been the catalyst for my success, quietly guiding me through every season. Whenever life gets hectic or overwhelming, my vision keeps me grounded and centred, reminding me of the future I’m working toward. It’s a constant reminder of the power of dreaming big and the clarity that comes from writing it all down.

But what separates a vague idea from a powerful vision?

1. It’s Bigger Than You

Your vision should exist in the realm of possibility, far beyond your current capacity. It must be larger than anything you’ve ever done and beyond the life you’re living now. If it doesn’t make your heart race and challenge you to grow, it’s not big enough. When you embrace a vision that feels out of reach, it compels you to step out of your comfort zone and into the best version of yourself.

2. It’s Big Enough to Be Contagious

A powerful vision excites you and has the potential to inspire others. Leaders who attract people to their cause do so because they have a vision that others want to be part of. Consider the ripple effect of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat. This one act set off a chain of events that compelled Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to lead a movement that transformed a nation. One woman’s courage inspired an entire generation to rally behind a cause bigger than themselves.

As a business owner, your vision should be just as compelling. When people see how they can contribute to your vision and grow alongside you, they’re more likely to follow you and invest in your dream.

3. It Requires You to Grow

Your vision will pull you, demanding that you evolve. Consider this: You already have everything you need inside of you to achieve your vision. What’s missing is the mindset shift required to unlock those resources. Vision is the catalyst that activates growth and unlocks potential. The bigger the vision, the more you’ll be challenged to rise to the occasion.

According to research, those who take the time to write down their vision and goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. When you plan with the end in mind, you shift from merely reacting to life to actively designing it.

As you look ahead to 2025, imagine what would happen if you began the year with a clear, compelling vision. What if, instead of stumbling through the next 12 months, you had a roadmap for your business, relationships, and personal growth?

It’s Time to Craft Your Vision

We all carry dreams inside us. The only limit to those dreams is the scope of our vision. I encourage you to reflect on what you truly want from life and business. Release your fears, listen to your heart, and craft a vision to inspire you and the people you lead.

As we close this year and begin planning for the next, ask yourself:

  • What do I want my life and business to look like in three, five, or ten years?
  • What vision is worthy of my life?
  • What must I release, and where must I grow to realize that vision?

Your vision is waiting for you.

Embrace it, write it down, and let it pull you into your desired future.


Here to living your dreams,
