Have you had a season when life came rolling down your street, knocked you down, and stomped on your chest?

How did you react?

Adversity is a reality of life. The challenges, obstacles, and setbacks disrupt our plans, shake our confidence, and demand more of us than we expect. Adversity tests our resolve, pushes us to our limits, and often reveals parts of ourselves that remain hidden in comfort.

But does it build character or uncover what’s already there?

Understanding Adversity and Its Impact

Adversity is defined as a state of hardship, difficulty, or misfortune. It can take many forms…personal, professional, financial, or emotional, and impact individuals in various ways. Studies show that 70% of people experience at least one significant traumatic event in their lifetime. How we respond to these challenges can shape the trajectory of our success?

Research from the American Psychological Association reveals that resilience, the ability to adapt and bounce back from adversity, is a crucial predictor of long-term success and mental health. Individuals with high resilience are 60% more likely to achieve their goals and thrive in their careers.

So, how does adversity play a role in revealing or building character?

The Truth About Adversity and Character

I remember the day I stepped into my new leadership role, inheriting a team that, on paper, seemed perfect. The past manager hired each member for their skills, impressive qualifications, technical expertise, and the ability to get things done. But it wasn’t long before I saw the cracks beneath the surface.

At first, everything seemed fine. Tasks were getting done, projects were moving forward, and everyone appeared to know their roles. But as we encountered challenges, unexpected changes, tight deadlines, and the average pressure that comes with leadership…the true character of my team began to show. I quickly learned that skills will get you hired, but character keeps you in the game.

Times of comfort and ease do not build character; moments of crisis reveal our true character.

Adversity also doesn’t automatically build character, it reveals what’s already there. When life is challenging, people show you who they are. For some, adversity brings out resilience, compassion, and determination. For others, it exposes fears, insecurities, and behaviours that sabotage their success.

But Can Adversity Build Character?

Yes, but only when we are willing to embrace the discomfort it brings.

It is the moments when adversity pushes someone out of their comfort zone, causing them to question who they are and how they respond to life’s challenges, that build character. Growth happens when we are uncomfortable, uncertain, and vulnerable. That is when a person decides to shift, learn, and redefine themselves.

For example, people who experience adversity and actively seek to learn from it are 50% more likely to report higher levels of emotional intelligence. EQ is linked to better leadership and professional outcomes. Acknowledging that our usual coping mechanisms no longer work forces us to find new ways of thinking, behaving, and leading.

Mindset: The Key to Overcoming Adversity

The true lesson here is that the mindset we approach adversity with determines whether it reveals or builds our character. Those who see adversity as an opportunity to learn and grow are the ones who develop resilience, creativity, and emotional strength. They are the individuals who rise to the occasion, not because adversity made them stronger but because they made the conscious decision to grow from it.

Character develops when we decide to evolve, to let go of old, limiting ways of thinking, and to embrace the discomfort that growth requires.

In the end, adversity reveals and builds character—depending on how we respond. If you embrace the mindset that challenges are growth opportunities, you allow adversity to become the catalyst in which your greatest strengths develop.

Adversity is inevitable, but how it shapes you is up to you.

When adversity strikes, it isn’t whether it will make or break you. It’s who will you choose to be in the face of it?