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Leading With Character eBook

A Compilation of Habits That Shape the Character of Great Leaders

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Leading With Character is a product of my desire to lead and develop a character I and others can trust and count on. Each idea reflects my search for understanding and skills in my leadership journey. With these pages, you will have the opportunity to explore practical habits that, when embodied, will enable you to continue to grow and enhance your leadership capacity and attract quality individuals and clients.

Who is Suzan Hart?

Over the past 15 years, Suzan has helped thousands cultivate a mindset where a challenge is seen as an opportunity to learn and grow. Popularizing her 5-Step Mastery Cycle, Suzan helps her clients uncover the thoughts, communication, and emotions necessary to access the habits and behaviors needed to respond to change and overcome adversity. An author and storyteller, Suzan created 7 Mastery Principles to help you examine the stories you tell yourself when faced with a challenge and overcome by fear. Suzan’s commitment is to empower you to rewrite your narrative and unlock the vision, purpose, and passion needed to become unstoppable.

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